
What Happens To The Matter In The Body Of An Animal After It Dies

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Animals are considered souls according to the Bible "… and every living soul died in the sea" (Revelation sixteen:3). The Bible tells usa that like humans, animals receive the jiff of God or "spirit" to come up alive and become living souls. Solomon the wisest homo states that both man and animals receive the same breath.  He equates the give-and-take "breath" of God with the word "spirit":

"Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the aforementioned fate awaits them both: As ane dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. Who knows if the human spirit rises up and if the spirit of the beast goes downwardly into the globe?" (Ecclesiastes 3:xix, xx, 21).  The phrase "Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward?" only ways that human wisdom cannot affirm what happens to the "spirit" or "breath" of God except that it "shall render unto God" (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

The word "spirit" (Hebrew ruach), or "jiff," means the life principle which does not vest to the physical realm of mankind, for it is of jiff of God and returns to Him.  Homo and animal both have a ruach, and the "ruach" of man is the aforementioned equally that of the beast. If, as some claim that the "ruach", or "spirit," of human becomes a disembodied witting entity at expiry, the "ruach" of beasts must also do that. Merely since the Bible nowhere teaches that at death a disembodied, conscious "spirit" continues to live on, and so we can't claim this for animals. For more on the state of the dead, cheque the The Intermediate State.

For this reason, Solomon disbelievingly (v. 21) asks who knows or who tin can testify that the "ruach" of man ascends, while that of the animate being descends. Solomon knows aught of such an experience and doubts that anyone else does.

Death, is the lot of people and animals. David says that "People, despite their wealth, exercise not endure; they are similar the beasts that perish" (Psalms 49:12). When the breath of life departs from the torso of whatsoever living creature, it dies (Ecclesiastes three: 21).

Nonetheless, humans are dissimilar than animals in the rewards they receive. For through faith in God, man who is made in God's image, will exist redeemed from the power of the grave (one Corinthians 15:51–58) and will have eternal life (John 1:16). Animals will have their part in heaven and will be restored to their original natures before the fall as a blessing to the redeemed (Isaiah 65:17, 25).

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